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Lyric Lenka - Heart Skips A Beat

Heart skips a beat my heart skips a beat

My heart is playing tricks on me
And it’s building bricks on me
I can’t break through
And I can’t face you

My world is turning slowly now
But it’s burning up somehow
I need some time
To know what’s right

‘Cause it’s only in the quiet that I feel some relief
I’m trying hard not to resist the joy
Don’t listen to me I’m being paranoid
I might try hard but it’s too hard to avoid

My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat
My heart is always first to know
And as the feeling grows
I can’t deny push those thoughts aside
My world is full of loveliness
But I focus on the stress

My heart says “Go” but my brain says “No”
And it’s only in the quiet that I hear myself breathe

I’m trying hard not to resist the joy
Don’t listen to me I’m being paranoid
I might try hard but it’s too hard to avoid

My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat

Oh I know this time ’cause it’s physical
My blood has stopped and I am breathless as well
But I need a minute to convince myself
‘Cause it’s only in the quiet that I know what to feel

I’m trying hard not to resist the joy
Don’t listen to me I’m being paranoid
I might try hard but it’s too hard to avoid

My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat

I’m trying hard not to resist the joy
Don’t listen to me I’m being paranoid
I might try hard but it’s too hard to avoid

My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat
My heart skips a beat

Posted by Unknown ~ Sharing Sciences Various and Informations

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